

报告题目:How Does Plastic Litter Accumulate in Submarine Canyons?






徐景平,南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系科研副主任。1984年毕业于山东海洋学院,获学士学位;1993年毕业于美国弗吉尼亚海洋研究所,获地质海洋学博士学位。曾任美国路易斯安娜州立大学助理教授;1996年-2014年任美国地质调查局海洋学研究员;2014年入选山东省“泰山学者”海外特聘专家和青岛市创新领军人才计划,2014年-2017年在中国海洋大学任“筑峰工程”教授。2014年-2019年被聘为中国综合大洋钻探计划专家委员会委员。长期从事海洋沉积动力学的基础研究及其在海洋环境监测、海岸/海底工程保护和海洋地质灾害防护中的应用研究,关注海底重力流的沉积输运方式、原理和控制因素及其环境和灾害效应。在NC,Geology,Marine Geology等国际地学主流学术刊物发表论文100余篇,主持多项国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目、重点项目等项目。


Manned submersible dives in the northwest South China Sea encountered substantial Manned submersible dives in the northwest South China Sea encountered substantial amounts of plastic litter accumulated at the base of scours along the floor of a submarine canyon, which may associate with the depositional behaviors of turbidity currents. In this study, we conduct numerical simulations using field‐ scale bathymetry to investigate the relationship between the canyon floor morphology, flow processes, and the locations and sizes of the plastic litter piles. The consistent deposition pattern caused by the numerical turbidity currents with different input parameters indicate that morphology of the canyon may exert a dominant influence on turbidite deposition. This is attributed to a significant reduction in shear velocity as simulated turbidity currents flowing through the scours on the canyon floor. Spatial correspondence between deposits of turbidity currents and plastic litter accumulation suggests that suspended sediments and plastic may undergo simultaneous dynamic processes during the transportation of turbidity currents.